When you have a goal you run after it and you have a purpose because you know what you are trying to reach. When you don't have a goal you have nothing to run/fight for so you stay still and wonder what you are supposed to do. It really is like a ship without a rudder. With no rudder, the ship has no use and the ship drifts. The wind takes it wherever. A person with no goal is like that as well. If they don't have a goal they have nothing to pursue and they wait till the wind comes and takes them away. It is good to have a goal, even if it's a small one, it keeps you centered and concentrated. WhatI mean that it keeps you centered is that it keeps you focused and it's your anchor, it is what keeps the wind away from carrying you somewhere you don't belong.
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Thomas Carlyle
"A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder."
When you have a goal you run after it and you have a purpose because you know what you are trying to reach. When you don't have a goal you have nothing to run/fight for so you stay still and wonder what you are supposed to do. It really is like a ship without a rudder. With no rudder, the ship has no use and the ship drifts. The wind takes it wherever. A person with no goal is like that as well. If they don't have a goal they have nothing to pursue and they wait till the wind comes and takes them away. It is good to have a goal, even if it's a small one, it keeps you centered and concentrated. WhatI mean that it keeps you centered is that it keeps you focused and it's your anchor, it is what keeps the wind away from carrying you somewhere you don't belong.
When you have a goal you run after it and you have a purpose because you know what you are trying to reach. When you don't have a goal you have nothing to run/fight for so you stay still and wonder what you are supposed to do. It really is like a ship without a rudder. With no rudder, the ship has no use and the ship drifts. The wind takes it wherever. A person with no goal is like that as well. If they don't have a goal they have nothing to pursue and they wait till the wind comes and takes them away. It is good to have a goal, even if it's a small one, it keeps you centered and concentrated. WhatI mean that it keeps you centered is that it keeps you focused and it's your anchor, it is what keeps the wind away from carrying you somewhere you don't belong.
Trauma Nurse
Duties and Responsibilities: They educate the public and other professionals about trauma. They are usually placed in ED and are the first to respond when a patient has self-inflicted injuries or if they suffered a violent crime/accident. Their goal is to be able to stabilize their patient and help them survive with the best possible outcome. To be a trauma nurse you must be an expert to working under extreme pressure and learning how to multitask quickly.
Education: A bachelor's degree and about 1000 hours of experience
Salary: $68,450 per year
Reflection: I would not like to be a trauma nurse because even though his job is extremely important, I don't think I would be able to work well under so much pressure that if you do something wrong my patient could die. I want to be able to help the public but my fear with this job is that I won't be able to help the patient and they will die on me. I would feel as if it were my fault.
Education: A bachelor's degree and about 1000 hours of experience
Salary: $68,450 per year
Friday, May 25, 2018
Hilary Salazar
"Doing the right thing may not have rewards like money but the biggest reward is the satisfaction of knowing you were able to do something right."
Since this is my quote it will be easier for me to explain. What I mean to say is when you help someone out, you will not always get a reward like money or something that is material. The reward you will get that many overlook is the feeling that you did something right. Many times we can do the right thing but we prefer to do the wrong thing because supposedly it has better "rewards" but in reality, those rewards are consequences hiding behind a mask. Maybe it is just me but when I do something right that benefits other, not only me, I feel good I feel the satisfaction that I did all I could to do something right. I didn't just keep walking or ignoring it. When you do the right thing sometimes you get a material reward but in my opinion, you shouldn't expect a reward. Being selfless is thinking of others and putting yourself aside, but if you do the right thing to get something out of it, there is no point in you doing it. You shouldn't expect nothing in return for doing the right thing.
Since this is my quote it will be easier for me to explain. What I mean to say is when you help someone out, you will not always get a reward like money or something that is material. The reward you will get that many overlook is the feeling that you did something right. Many times we can do the right thing but we prefer to do the wrong thing because supposedly it has better "rewards" but in reality, those rewards are consequences hiding behind a mask. Maybe it is just me but when I do something right that benefits other, not only me, I feel good I feel the satisfaction that I did all I could to do something right. I didn't just keep walking or ignoring it. When you do the right thing sometimes you get a material reward but in my opinion, you shouldn't expect a reward. Being selfless is thinking of others and putting yourself aside, but if you do the right thing to get something out of it, there is no point in you doing it. You shouldn't expect nothing in return for doing the right thing.
Memorial Day
Memorial day is celebrated every last Monday of the month of May. Memorial day was born in Waterloo, New York, that is where the first memorial day occurred but many believe it started before then. People would visit the graveyards of their fallen soldiers. Memorial day is also known as Decoration Day. By 1890 All the Northern states celebrated this day but it wasn't until after World War 1 the Southern states celebrated this on the same day. Memorial day started after the civil war. The civil war was the biggest conflict in U.S history that killed many soldiers on the field. A family would gather at their graves and decorate it with flowers, they would also make meals and have family gatherings in honor of the soldier they lost. In 1971 it was declared a federal holiday. For this memorial day, I plan to spend time with my family.
Reflection: A way I can honor those who have fallen fighting in the army is to thank them and remember them. Even if I don't know them personally I plan to be respectful and just remember all the sacrifices they made to keep me and this country safe. I think it is a great holiday because yeah I get the day off school but it's great because we learn so much about what really goes on I the battlefield and we celebrate those who have died to keep u safe. We may not know those who have died personally but in my opinion, I am thankful that they did what they did even if it cost them their life because they are doing the right thing which is keeping their country safe.
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Chinese Proverb
If there is beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home. I there is harmony in the home there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world. If there is beauty in character, then there will be peace in the world.
I agree with this proverb because many want peace in the world but we can't have peace if you are a person who has a nasty character. Many people in this world become consumed by hate because someone has hurt them before and when this hate consumes a person, hate crimes occur. If a person meets another with beauty in their character they will feel happy and see the good in the world. I would know because I have met many with great souls and many who have only hate. It may seem cliche but with no love, there will always be violence. If we don't have the love for each other, then humanity will have no love and we would be consumed with hate and grudges, when this happens then we ourselves will be the end to humanity. We can't have peace if we can't love others for who they are and put our differences aside. None of the things that could happen in this quote will happen if we don't change our characters.
Sports Medicine
Duties and Responsibilities: They are people who help minor and major athletes. They are there when someone gets hurt while playing and this therapist will diagnose the injury. Once they have diagnosed it they treat it and may recommend therapy for the injury. They also must know the patient's medical history so that they can know how to treat the injury. These doctors usually try to help their patient recover as quickly and safely as possible.
Salary:$185,112 per year
Education: Doctor of Osteopathy or Medicine
Reflection: Yes I would like to pursue this career. It is not my main interest but it is one of my interests. I would want to be able to work with athletes but not only that, I want to be able to help those who have gone through a serious injury while they were playing. I want to be able to help them bounce back n their feet.
Salary:$185,112 per year
Education: Doctor of Osteopathy or Medicine
Monday, May 21, 2018
Alan Paton
"When a deep injury is done to us, we never recover until we forgive."
I agree. I have been hurt so many times by the people I love and some people call me dumb for forgiving them but if I don't my pain will worsen. I have seen how pain makes monsters of people, when someone hurts you sometimes its so bad you break and you fight them, you become the person you wish you would never become. I would know I have been through that dark time and I don't want to bore you with my life and my pain, but you can't move on if you don't forgive others and especially yourself. We all have hurt someone and we all have been hurt that's just how life is, but from that pain, you learn and many times when we forgive we feel better because we did our part. Then it is up to the person to forgive themselves. Forgiving is like medicine, you don't recover until you take it. It takes time for the medicine to take effect but in the end, it heals you.
Speech Pathologist
Duties and Responsibilities: They are specialist that when someone has speaking problems or swallowing problems, they are able to treat it. When they are able to diagnose the problem they identify treatment options. They help those who have trouble speaking pronounce words and make sounds with their mouths. They work with children and adults and help them improve their vocabulary and strengthen swallowing muscles.
Salary: $76,610
Education: Master's Degree
Reflection: Yes I would like to pursue this career because I want to be able to help kids with this problem overcome it. I work with kids at church and I teach them Spanish at times and I think this would be a good career. I love kids and I have the patience for this.
Salary: $76,610
Education: Master's Degree
Thursday, May 17, 2018
Barbara A Lewis
- Telling the truth lets everyone know what really happened. There's less chance of misunderstanding, confusion, or conflict.
- Telling the truth protects innocent people from being blamed or punished
- Telling the truth allows everyone to learn from what happened
- You usually get into less trouble from telling the truth other than for lying(and getting caught)
- Other people trust you more when you tell the truth
- You don't have to tell(and remember) more lies to keep your story straight
- You gain a reputation for being truthful- a trait most people value
- Telling the truth helps you fee; secure and peaceful inside
I agree with Barbara because many time we are scared, to tell the truth, and we think it is best to lie so you don't do harm to others. Telling the truth can have consequences but the consequences are better than living with guilt. Guilt is a monster to me, it is so unkind that at an extreme point it makes you break. I've heard from others that telling the truth is hard and they are right. You can take the easy way out by lying. But instead of being selfish and thinking of how hard it is, realize the positive outcomes not only for yourself but for others. When you tell the truth you usually feel better afterward and that's great but the most important thing is to remember you told the truth because you knew that was the best thing to do even if it hurts you.
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