~Russell M Nelson
I agree with Dr. Nelson because no matter how much a person wants to argue that oh doing so and so is okay, in reality it's not and they know it. It is like a person who smokes, they said it's not that bad and it helps me. This person is lying to themselves, and they know what they are doing is wrong because it not only affects them but others around them. When a person offends someone and hurts their feelings is another example. Lets say I'm mad at my friend and I tell her these things that hurt her feelings. I know that what I was about to do was wrong but I did it anyway. And not only did I make her feel bad, but I lied t myself oh it'll be fine she'll get over it, but that's not the case. I have learned that when something scars you you can't forget it no matter how much you try.It is never ever okay to do something wrong and have that mindset of oh it's fine or I didn't do anything wrong because when you start lying to yourself you start lying to others and that is where a whole other problem begins.
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