Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Thomas Carlyle

"A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder."

Image result for thomas carlyle

When you have a goal you run after it and you have a purpose because you know what you are trying to reach. When you don't have a goal you have nothing to run/fight for so you stay still and wonder what you are supposed to do. It really is like a ship without a rudder. With no rudder, the ship has no use and the ship drifts. The wind takes it wherever. A person with no goal is like that as well. If they don't have a goal they have nothing to pursue and they wait till the wind comes and takes them away. It is good to have a goal, even if it's a small one, it keeps you centered and concentrated. WhatI mean that it keeps you centered is that it keeps you focused and it's your anchor, it is what keeps the wind away from carrying you somewhere you don't belong.

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