Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Chinese Proverb

If there is beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home. I there is harmony in the home there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world. If there is beauty in character, then there will be peace in the world.

Image result for beauty in character

I agree with this proverb because many want peace in the world but we can't have peace if you are a person who has a nasty character. Many people in this world become consumed by hate because someone has hurt them before and when this hate consumes a person, hate crimes occur. If a person meets another with beauty in their character they will feel happy and see the good in the world. I would know because I have met many with great souls and many who have only hate. It may seem cliche but with no love, there will always be violence. If we don't have the love for each other, then humanity will have no love and we would be consumed with hate and grudges, when this happens then we ourselves will be the end to humanity. We can't have peace if we can't love others for who they are and put our differences aside. None of the things that could happen in this quote will happen if we don't change our characters.

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