~Mark Twain
Mark Twain is right, no matter how old you are or what the situation is it is always better to do the right thing. Doing the right thing will not only get you far in the future but it will also make you a better person. When you do the right thing and avoid the wrong even if it means losing friends, its the best because that means those are not real friends and you are taking the responsibility and standing alone. In my experience I did the wrong and I faced the consequences an it was not pleasant. If I had chosen the right and not done what I did I would save myself all the troubles. Doing the right thing is beneficial but it is a must we all should do because You are helping another person and sometimes you don't think of it you just do it. Like for example a lady drops her wallet I would get it and give it to her and not only did I do the right thing but I helped her. You never know what she needed it for but I returned it not only helped but most likely made her feel good that people are nice. Sometimes we run into bad people and we start to think everyone is bad but if someone helps you they did the right and helped you see people differently.