Thursday, April 5, 2018

Henry David Thoreau

"Goodness is the only investment that never fails." 

For starters, I agree with this decision. You can invest money to buy a house or car and when something happens you fail and possibly lose all your money. But when You make an effort "investment" in goodness you don't fail because you are being kind. You're not making the investment for yourself but for another and through that you feel good afterward. Even when someone tries to make you feel bad or put you down, they won't succeed. My mom always teaches me great life lessons and I remember one time she told me to be kind to everyone, even to those who aren't nice to you because that is what makes a good person. Now I get that she was trying to tell me that everyone is equal no matter what and I should treat everyone kindly because it shows that exceptions don't exist in this certain area. So yeah it's true. When you make the effort to be a good person, there is no way you can fail from being a great person

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