Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Victor Hugo

"Right is right only when entire"
~Victor Hugo

I feel like the meaning of this quote is that only doing something right once, is not enough. Instead it should be more than plenty of times because it will reflect who you are. If a person is only nice to you only once and the rest of the time they are a person who is cruel and spreads rumors about you is a two face. But a person who is genuinely kind will be nice to you all the time. This is the way I see this quote, you can't be in the middle. You are either a good person from the inside out or you are a bad person from the inside out. So yes, doing a good thing is only good when you are consistent and do it every day not just once. Someone from long ago once told me when you are kind from the inside out it stands out but when you are a horrible person it also reflects no matter how much you try to mask it and I feel like this is so true. Doing the right thing can be difficult all the time but those who are consistent and try to be good all the time are truly the genuine people and in all honesty are extremely rare to find. It's not every day you meet a person who is truly kind.

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