Thursday, March 22, 2018

Abraham Lincoln

" I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong."

I understand Lincoln I had many friends, but I had to go my own way because they started to grow up and do really bad stuff. Sometimes they would pressure me so I walked away from that friendship. This did not happen just once so I know what Lincoln is talking about. I had the choice to be true and I lost something. I lost my friends. So yeah when you are a true person to yourself and others around you, most of the time you lose. It can be a loss of a possession or a person. One reason I decided to walk away from these friendships because they were doing something wrong, and not only once. I saw that if I stayed with those friends my life would become full of problems and I would become like them. I did not want that, I wanted to stay true to myself. I later found some friends who were so kind and honest and I stuck with them, they always have my back and I can see they are genuine and true.

Image result for abraham lincoln                                Image result for scale of honest

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