~Thomas S Monson
I agree with this quote because its so true. You do no body harm by doing right, instead you actually help others. You do someone harm when you do wrong. Even when someone says I lied to keep her safe, nothing should bring you up to lie and covering the truth that someone deserves to know is not only wrong but it does that person so much harm. Hiding things from people you love and respect you is wrong because the way I see it is that they are loyal to you and honest and for you to be doing that behind their backs is wrong. You cause a person more harm by lying than unveiling the truth not matter the circumstance. Although doing right hurts or is hard, it is worth it because I would rather be known as an honest person than a liar. I've learned this by my mom, she always tells me don't lie because once you are dishonest to someone you are dishonest to yourself and that has stuck with to this day. Its like a math problem, you cant get the right answer if you set the numbers up wrong but if you set them up right you won't get the wrong answer.
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