Well I'm not an expert in playing instruments, but I love to sing. I sing in church and at home a lot especially when I'm alone. I'm trying to sing in public but its very hard. I chose to write about the topic of singing it is something I love to do. What I know about singing is that most females have the vocals of a mezzo-soprano and can reach low notes of a soprano scale. I don't my scale of singing but I think I sing decently. The songs I like to sing the most are Ed Sheeran songs because they are songs with a deep meaning to me. I can relate to them and they have a beautiful meaning. I am learning how to sing different scales and mimic a singers voice which is pretty hard. It has a lot to do with the ear, a person must be able to hear and identify the note. But the way I do this exercise is is hear the pitch and try to mimic it. My favorite song to sing that is by Ed Sheeran is the song Dive. I also love to sing the Christmas song that is Mary Did You Know, but the only version I like is by Pentatonix. One thing I learned about singing is that if you have to reach a high note, it will help if you stand up straight and let your lungs expand. I love to sing any types of genre but the only genre I don't sing is rap, country and opera. Other than that I try to sing any genre and I try to reach the long notes. To reach long notes I learned that a person must breathe out slowly because your breathe carries your voice as well and before you sing the long note a person must get enough air to be able to sing it.

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