- What I like about this class is that it is very peaceful and it is not loud. What I also like about this class s the work is simple and easy. The teacher is nice and not mean and the work here is extremely simple.
- What I don't like about this class is that some days I am extremely tired and since it is so quiet I start to fall asleep. I don't like doing that because I feel like it is rude. But overall I have no problem or complaint about this class.
- My recommendation to improve this class is to do the Electronic Portfolio earlier in the semester. Another recommendation is to have more ctr card checks, we don't many card checks.
- A highlight for me in this class was when we did the Thank You notes because that day I learned that I have to be more grateful because I have what others don't and instead of complaining I should be thankful.
- Yes, I really did do my best in this class because I tried to write exactly what I thought in the student success statements, I didn't just put random words. I also tried to write my career journals very detailed and tried to set them up nice and neat so it can be easier to read and understand.
- Yes I try to write in my goals journal everyday, but I have one at home to so some days I forget to write in either one of them. Some days I'm very busy and don't have time to write. When I look back and read my thoughts I see how I improve little by little in each area of my life. I also see new things that I have learned in just one day.
- I try to be a CTR person 24/7 but some days ts hard especially when I had a bad day and people start pushing my buttons, I do something wrong. But I have been improving, lately I have been feeling way more happy and I have not chosen the wrong as much as I did before. But yes I am committed to that because it will make me a better person and that is what I want to be.
Thursday, December 14, 2017
Class Evaluation
Well I'm not an expert in playing instruments, but I love to sing. I sing in church and at home a lot especially when I'm alone. I'm trying to sing in public but its very hard. I chose to write about the topic of singing it is something I love to do. What I know about singing is that most females have the vocals of a mezzo-soprano and can reach low notes of a soprano scale. I don't my scale of singing but I think I sing decently. The songs I like to sing the most are Ed Sheeran songs because they are songs with a deep meaning to me. I can relate to them and they have a beautiful meaning. I am learning how to sing different scales and mimic a singers voice which is pretty hard. It has a lot to do with the ear, a person must be able to hear and identify the note. But the way I do this exercise is is hear the pitch and try to mimic it. My favorite song to sing that is by Ed Sheeran is the song Dive. I also love to sing the Christmas song that is Mary Did You Know, but the only version I like is by Pentatonix. One thing I learned about singing is that if you have to reach a high note, it will help if you stand up straight and let your lungs expand. I love to sing any types of genre but the only genre I don't sing is rap, country and opera. Other than that I try to sing any genre and I try to reach the long notes. To reach long notes I learned that a person must breathe out slowly because your breathe carries your voice as well and before you sing the long note a person must get enough air to be able to sing it.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017
The Harmful Effects of Smoking
Smoking not only harms your lungs but all other vital organs. It harm your heat because it has to work harder due to the tobacco and chemicals thickening your blood. It ruins your bones, making them brittle and weak. Smoking ruins your lungs because it causes the lungs airways to narrow down making it hard for a person to breathe. It also affects your brain making it vulnerable to have a stroke. Smoking causes so much harm to our bodies because of the chemicals it has which is literally poison. It contains cancerous chemicals, tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide. If you would to see all these chemicals separated you would see how this poison works. The nicotine that it contains makes you want more, it addictive and the more you do this to your body, the weaker your body gets and it results to you having a painful death. smoking kills 480,000 people per year and kills 41,000 who have exposure to it. 1,300 people die every day and the casualties seem to be getting higher. People die 10 years early because this junk does so many bad things to your body. Also makes you age faster and causes your skin to lose oxygen so you pretty much look like 50 when your 30.
Smoking not only harms your lungs but all other vital organs. It harm your heat because it has to work harder due to the tobacco and chemicals thickening your blood. It ruins your bones, making them brittle and weak. Smoking ruins your lungs because it causes the lungs airways to narrow down making it hard for a person to breathe. It also affects your brain making it vulnerable to have a stroke. Smoking causes so much harm to our bodies because of the chemicals it has which is literally poison. It contains cancerous chemicals, tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide. If you would to see all these chemicals separated you would see how this poison works. The nicotine that it contains makes you want more, it addictive and the more you do this to your body, the weaker your body gets and it results to you having a painful death. smoking kills 480,000 people per year and kills 41,000 who have exposure to it. 1,300 people die every day and the casualties seem to be getting higher. People die 10 years early because this junk does so many bad things to your body. Also makes you age faster and causes your skin to lose oxygen so you pretty much look like 50 when your 30.
Friday, December 8, 2017
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
" Intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus character, That is the goal of true education."
~Dr Martin Luther King Jr.
I agree with Martin Luther King because its true. Intelligence doesn't come from just knowledge but it come with knowing how to react and behave in different situations, it is also how you treat people. Yes we all need that Intelligence of knowledge but we also need character because if you are extremely smart but don't have character or the way I was taught a spine, then people will either use you or take your opportunities because you do not have a competitive character. Another example is if you have the knowledge but you have a character of thinking you are better than others, then no one will like you and it can mess with you in the future of not getting a job. For a person to know true education, they need to learn how to develop a strong character where they are competitive, humble and witty etc. In life a person who is out searching for a job must not only be smart because everyone is smart, they must have a character that shows they really want the job and an attitude that will make people comfortable. But a person is not like that, then the job will be taken by someone else.
~Dr Martin Luther King Jr.
I agree with Martin Luther King because its true. Intelligence doesn't come from just knowledge but it come with knowing how to react and behave in different situations, it is also how you treat people. Yes we all need that Intelligence of knowledge but we also need character because if you are extremely smart but don't have character or the way I was taught a spine, then people will either use you or take your opportunities because you do not have a competitive character. Another example is if you have the knowledge but you have a character of thinking you are better than others, then no one will like you and it can mess with you in the future of not getting a job. For a person to know true education, they need to learn how to develop a strong character where they are competitive, humble and witty etc. In life a person who is out searching for a job must not only be smart because everyone is smart, they must have a character that shows they really want the job and an attitude that will make people comfortable. But a person is not like that, then the job will be taken by someone else.
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Paul Hatch
" When you tell one lie, it leads to another."
~ Paul Hatch
Paul Hatch is right. When you tell one lie you make another to cover it up so no one can find out. In the end you usually end up with a crazy story and it is filled with lies. It's better to tell the truth because you can avoid questions and crazy stories. Yes, sometimes it can be scary to tell the truth but, It is better to face everything in that moment than late, and everything is worse. What I'm trying to say is lets say you do something bad like sneak out and you got caught. When your mom asks what are you doing instead of telling her you were going to sneak out, you tell her I'm going to throw the trash away. Your parent will then start questioning you and you keep saying lies, that in the end your own lies uncover the truth. So its better to just tell the truth the moment you have the chance instead of lying and having your lies cross one another, uncovering the truth and facing worse consequences. Even if you say the truth might face consequences but not as bad as the consequences that happen when you lie.
~ Paul Hatch
Paul Hatch is right. When you tell one lie you make another to cover it up so no one can find out. In the end you usually end up with a crazy story and it is filled with lies. It's better to tell the truth because you can avoid questions and crazy stories. Yes, sometimes it can be scary to tell the truth but, It is better to face everything in that moment than late, and everything is worse. What I'm trying to say is lets say you do something bad like sneak out and you got caught. When your mom asks what are you doing instead of telling her you were going to sneak out, you tell her I'm going to throw the trash away. Your parent will then start questioning you and you keep saying lies, that in the end your own lies uncover the truth. So its better to just tell the truth the moment you have the chance instead of lying and having your lies cross one another, uncovering the truth and facing worse consequences. Even if you say the truth might face consequences but not as bad as the consequences that happen when you lie.
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